What happens on the 1st and 2nd May?
On 1 May in commemorating the day laborers. Labor Day is generally celebrated on May 1, and known as May Day. Labor Day is a holiday (in some countries) that began with the annual business trade union movement to celebrate the success of economic and social workers.
Indonesia in 1920 also began to commemorate Labor Day on 1 May. Ibarruri Aidit (DN Aidit eldest daughter) with her mother as a child had attended the International Labor Day celebration in the Soviet Union, after the adults also attend the International Labor Day May 1, 1970 in Tian An Men Square on the anniversary of the PRC under Mao Zedong in his presence as well, Prince with his wife Queen Monique Sihanouk, Cambodia's Prime Minister Pennut, Lin Biao (the second person of the Chinese Communist Party) and the Burma Communist Party leader Thaksin B Tan Tein.
But since the New Order government Labor Day no longer celebrated in Indonesia, and since then, May 1 is no longer a holiday to commemorate the role of labor in society and the economy. This is because the labor movement and the movement associated with the communists that since the incident at the 1965 G-30 taboo in Indonesia. During Suharto's rule, the action for the commemoration of May Day is categorized as a subversive activity, because May Day is always connoted with communist ideology. Connotation is clearly not fit, because the majority of countries in the world (mostly non-Communist ideology, and even embracing the principle of anti-Communist), establish May 1 as Labour Day and make it a national holiday.
After the New Order era ended, though not a holiday, each dated May 1 comeback celebrated by workers in Indonesia with demonstrations in various cities. Fears that a mass movement that mobilized workers annually on May 1 led to the riots, it was never proven. Since May Day 1999 to 2006 there has never been destructive acts committed by the mass movement of workers who entered the category of "endangering public order". What happened instead repressive security apparatus against the workers, because they are still guided by the old paradigm that May Day is considered subversive and masterminded the communist movement.
Thousands of Indonesian workers to celebrate International Labor Day or May Day, Sunday (01/05) at the Roundabout Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta. They called for the certainty of social security for workers in Indonesia while chanting struggle eperti "On Labour" and "Give the Rights of Workers," and they marched towards the Presidential Palace.
Today May 2, 2012, our nation celebrated National Education Day to coincide with the birth of Ki Hajar Dewantara (May 2 1889-28 April 1959; original name: Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat) is one of a National Hero who is also the father of National Education of Indonesia.
He has served as Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia. His name is also immortalized in the name of a Guard ship missile destroyer. This ship is also a member of warships for the Navy trained and named KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara. With a highly renowned teaching the tut wuri handayani from behind a teacher should be able to give encouragement and direction, Mangun ing initiative in the middle or between pupils, teachers must create initiatives and ideas, and sung tulada ngarsa ing in front, an educator must an example or examples of good actions
For people who want to advance and excel in global competition, education is key. Education is the duty of the state's most important and very strategic. Qualified human resources is a basic prerequisite for the formation of a good civilization. Conversely poor human resources, will definitely give birth to bad people too.
To deliver the vision of education that way, and see the reality of education in this country is still very far from expectations. In fact, far behind countries - other countries. It can be seen from at least three things: First, the paradigm of national education highly secular and materialistic so it does not produce quality human whole, physically and mentally. Second, the increasingly high cost of education from year to year. Third, the resulting poor quality of human resources to compete globally.
The meanings of education every nation has its own experience. So also with Indonesia. Unfinished education reform because it has not been open space for dialogue as an act of communication. Current climate of democracy does not even guarantee to bring education to a more transformative. The new educational reform at this stage not skin deep to the system as the ultimate in skin.