Minggu, 08 April 2012

Meaning of Kartini Day

Every April 21 we as citizens of Indonesia, especially womencelebrate
Kartini, from year to year as far as we remember every day ofKartini schools are required to wear
regional costumes from different corners of the country or activitiesrelated to
kewanitaan.Padahal Kartini precisely in its history even tried to break the dominance of men
where women can be as high schools, and earn the same rights as
But the irony is it after all this time the condition of women is still a lot that is far from
expectations, there is a self-contained as if she could live withoutmen, or women to be
slave in the land and the subject of harassment or was supposed tobe sold belikan.Yang
equality, mutual respect, mutual support, and keep each other inhuman freedom.
In the family, at work, in society, there are still many injustices we see that
accepted by the pgirl.but whether a woman should still be treated as
The fate of that ... we as women are in the hands of our own, soshow that the
she was weak and did not have the power to exceed the men butnot separated from
family responsibilities, work, and society as a nature of women.
Hopefully this year the meaning of Kartini and also for years to come not just to commemorate
with the activities but appear new Kartini Kartini-legendary like Mother Kartini
Advanced nations will depend on the quality perempuan.Danbehind the success of a family usually
there is a strong woman, and steadfastly carry the load as a wife, a mother,
an employee, and a good community member 

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